Theodore Božidar Ivanuš (1916-2007)

Theodore Božidar Ivanuš (1916-2007)

Professor Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame, a member of the ACS, and well-known Croatian American, Theodore B. Ivanuš, died on December 18, 2007 in South Bend, Indiana.
theoTheodore was born on March 15, 1916 in Velika Gorica, near Zagreb, into a well-known Croatian family.  In 1934, he graduated form the First Classical Gymnasium in Zagreb.  In 1941, he earned a doctorate in Law and also in Political Science.  He was one of the leading student activists at the end of the 1930s and the President of the Students’ Club of the School of Law.  Theodore also earned an M.A. degree at the State Academy of Music in Zagreb and was an accomplished piano player.
During and after World War II, Theodore lived in Austria and Germany, and he came to the United State in 1952.  He, along with a number of other Croatian post-war immigrants, settled in Cleveland.  While working in various factories as a physical worker, he enrolled at the Case Western University in Cleveland and in 1956 he earned an M.A. in political science and, in 1963, an M.L.S. in the library science.  At the same time, he was an active member of the local Croatian community.  He took an active part in establishing the Croatian Academic Club, Croatian radio program, and other cultural endeavors.
In 1963, Theodore joined the Department of Government and International Studies at the University of Notre Dame.  He was also with the Institute for International Studies and the Memorial Library.  He taught courses on Government and Politics of East Central Europe, the former Soviet Union and International Communism.  Theodore was instrumental in developing the International Resources Center and contributed greatly to the growth of International Studies at the ND University.  He was also involved in the local Croatian community and, among other activities, Theodore was a director and conductor of the Croatian Glee Club “Preradović” in Gary, Indiana.
Before his death, Theodore donated his rich library and archives to the Institute of Croatian History in Zagreb, Memorial Library at the University of ND, and the Croatian Ethnic Institute in Chicago.
Dr. Ivanuš married in 1970.  However his wife Anne, an American Croatian, preceded him in death.  He was a member of the Croatian Academy of America, the Croatian American Association, AAASS, the Association for Croatian Studies, and other cultural and professional clubs.  We thank Theodore for being a friend and active member of the ACS.

Ante Čuvalo