Mulih, Juraj – ABECZEVICZA

ABECZEVICZA.ABECZEVICZA Zagreb, 1746 – Reprint Dubrovnik: Zavod za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetonsti u Dubrovniku, 1997. Pp. 80.

     The book is divided into the following sections: Navucitel (pronounciaiton of Croatian letters), Abecevica (basic instruction in reading), Navuk krscanski (samll chatecism), Molitve (basic christian prayers), Ministracije (Latin responses for those serving Mass), Broj (instructions how to count and calcualte the time), Racun (brief insturtion in artimetics), and an Index, iliti Kazitel.

     This small but unique book, written in Croatian Kajkavien literary language, is a must to all scholars interested in Croatian language and culture.